LEO Hearted Cares Inc. has launched a series of events and initiatives to help successfully accomplish our mission.


LEO Hearted Mentorship Services

LEO Hearted Mentorship Services provides a platform where law enforcement officials and community members can serve as permanent placeholders in the lives of youth who are connected to the criminal justice system. The mentorship goal is to support youth in becoming cultivated, emerging adults.

Since 2017, LEO Hearted Mentorship Services, a National Mentoring Partnership registered program, has offered officers from the NYC area the ability to mentor and positively engage court-involved youth from the New York State Courts.

Our mentors work with mentees on developing life skills and establishing long lasting growth. Due to the work and progress these young people show, many have received reductions (to include dismissals) on pending cases.

For more, click the “LEO Hearted Mentorship Services” tab in the menu above

If interested in becoming a mentor, please email Mentorship@LEOHeartedCares.org and state your interest in becoming a mentor.


Future Community Stars

An initiative to influence young people to become community-oriented and empower them by placing them in leadership roles. Young people are encouraged to design, coordinate, and execute projects of their own creation, with the assistance of local law enforcement and other community members.


A Look Inside

LEO Hearted and Art Tillman have partnered to bring a live art event focused on pushing the conversation of law enforcement and community relations forward through different expressive mediums.


LEO Hearted Therapy Sessions

A lighthearted social mixer to bring local community members and law enforcement officers together under one roof and begin fostering healthy dialog and relationships.

In addition to the initiatives listed above, LEO Hearted Cares Inc. frequently partners with local community organizations in efforts to better serve and engage community members. If interested in partnering with LEO Hearted Cares Inc., send us an email at ContactUs@LEOHeartedCares.org.