Become a monthly supporter or make a one-time donation.

Either way your support in helping us achieve our goal is truly appreciated!

LEO Hearted Cares Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization, established in 2018 to increase public safety and strengthen ties between law enforcement and the communities they serve. LEO Hearted Cares Inc.’s EIN number is 82-4734173. All donations are tax-deductible as permitted under federal tax law.

For questions, concerns or updates, please contact:

Become a LEO Hearted Cares Monthly Supporter!

Monthly Supporter Benefits

  • Discount code for 10% off LEO Hearted Apparel

  • 25% off event tickets

  • LEO Hearted Cares Inc. logo sticker


Don't want to become a monthly supporter? No worries, make a one-time donation below!

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