We Are The Bridge!



LEO Hearted Cares Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Its mission is to increase public safety and strengthen ties between law enforcement and the communities they serve.



To create a culture of mutual understanding through the targeting of perspectives.



LEO Hearted Cares Inc. has launched a series of events and initiatives to help successfully accomplish our mission.


A brand with a bigger purpose...




LEO Hearted Cares Inc.'s beginnings are humble, it's founder and Executive Director, Vincent Sinclair was selected as part of a detail to attend the funeral's of fallen officers. After coming back from the funerals of the officers killed in Baton Rouge, Vincent felt a sense of purpose and decided to answer the call. One day, shortly there after, Vincent sat with one of his best friends Randy Gordon and discussed his recent experiences. From that discussion, the hashtag #LEWC was created, these four letters stand for "Law Enforcement Who Care". The mission was simple, to create a social media campaign to show the world that there was a large population of officers that truly cared for the communities they served. 

LEO Hearted LLC

After some time, the #LEWC campaign began to grow on social media, but there was more to do.  So, in late 2016 LEO Hearted LLC was established. The name LEO Hearted was created as a common ground for both law enforcement and community members. "LEO" stands for a number of things, depending on your perspective. If you are an officer, it may mean "Law Enforcement Officer", if you are a community member it may mean "Lion", or you may identify with is through your astrological sign. Any way you see it, all of these perspectives involve patience, tenacity, and strength.

LEO Hearted started as a simple T-shirt e-commerce website. The idea was to sell merchandise, then donate to an officer or organization focused on strengthening ties between officers and communities members. Over time, LEO Hearted grew beyond e-commerce, it became focused on action and began hosting many initiatives of its own. LEO Hearted's slogan is "A brand with a bigger purpose..." and it's three key values are "Acknowledge, Support, and Empower".  LEO Hearted today continues to serve its purpose as a subsidiary of LEO Hearted Cares Inc.

LEO Hearted Cares Inc. 

Established in March of 2018, LEO Hearted Cares Inc. is our newest endeavor. A 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization LEO Hearted Cares inc. has taken what LEO Hearted LLC started to the next level. The shared mission of increasing public safety and strengthening ties between law enforcement and the communities they serve by creating a culture of understanding through targeting perspectives will be accomplished through a new frontier. Stay tuned for all the work the LEO Hearted family is doing, and please feel inclined to join the team!



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